


Yantai is located in the state-designed "Blue Economic Area" in Shandong Peninsula, Yantai is close to both Japan and Korea, and is an important hub of the economical circle around China's Bohai Gulf. Shandong International Biotechnology Park is located in the core area of Yantai High-tech Zone. With beautiful nature environment, the Park is a gem on the city's charming pacific coast. Within 1.5 hours’ flying range, Yantai services over 700 million populations around. The park enjoys fast air, sea and land transportation to all major cities in China and to over 100 countries in the world.
Copyright ? Shandong International Biotechnology Park All rights reserved
镇雄县| 大渡口区| 乌苏市| 通山县| 洞头县| 丰都县| 延长县| 子长县| 凉山| 阳江市| 开鲁县| 延吉市| 安溪县| 吉木萨尔县| 花莲市| 九台市| 河东区| 五家渠市| 志丹县| 道孚县| 东乡| 怀化市| 克什克腾旗| 辽中县| 西峡县| 大邑县| 收藏| 龙南县| 上高县| 临泉县| 正安县| 都安| 佛坪县| 龙南县| 崇信县| 岗巴县| 富锦市| 英超| 项城市| 汝南县| 文昌市|