


Departments and Functions
Business Development Dept.Admission negotiation, contract signing, etc.0535-3800888
Settled-in Service Dept.Registration consultation service;
Publicity of the Park: edit the website, journals, Admission Guide, etc.
Project Management Dept.Project application: provide consultation and guidance service for the application of various levels of talent cultivation plans, scientific plans, etc.0535-3800016
Platform Management Dept.Technical support: sample test, instrument leasing, and professional technical consultation.0535-3800018
Conditions Security 
Public utility and service system, like water supply, electricity, gas, drinking water, network, telephone, etc.; laboratory safety and waste management.0535-3800006
Administration Dept.Office cleaner, security, and property management;
Meeting room management;
Enter/exit management; receiving and dispatching mails and packages
Copyright ? Shandong International Biotechnology Park All rights reserved
聂拉木县| 石屏县| 遂溪县| 澄迈县| 武汉市| 蓬溪县| 治县。| 龙岩市| 潜江市| 二手房| 上犹县| 阳原县| 兰州市| 梧州市| 兰考县| 钟祥市| 镇雄县| 藁城市| 咸宁市| 台山市| 靖州| 温宿县| 泸定县| 沁阳市| 莒南县| 舟山市| 麻江县| 商丘市| 通辽市| 紫金县| 奇台县| 沾化县| 舞钢市| 湘潭县| 邓州市| 牟定县| 开平市| 嘉善县| 太保市| 黑龙江省| 东乡族自治县|