


Park Characteristics

Focus on R&D to create an enterprise-style comprehensive R&D platform for new biological medicine product in four main areas:
Bio-pharma: gene therapy, antibody drug, targeted therapeutics, stem cell therapy, translational medicine, personalized therapy, modern traditional Chinese medicine, diagnostic reagents, medical devices, etc..
Marine Biology: marine pharmaceuticals, oceanic functional food and cosmetics, novel marine biomaterial, marine bio-enzyme, etc..
Biological Agriculture: transgenic breeding, animal vaccine, bio-feeds, plant growth regulator, etc..
Health Care: The inernational medical rehabilitation center, cosmetic medicine, care training center, etc..

Operating model:
Take product development as core in market-oriented director with government support and enterprise –style management.

Business model:
Independent Innovation:Project BD;
Attract Business & Investment:Project Incubation.

Innovative industry-university-research alliances
Copyright ? Shandong International Biotechnology Park All rights reserved
临漳县| 延庆县| 伽师县| 漳州市| 饶平县| 阳谷县| 赤城县| 高平市| 哈密市| 凤山县| 仁怀市| 双桥区| 嘉定区| 轮台县| 全椒县| 金塔县| 兴业县| 砚山县| 同江市| 象州县| 丹巴县| 皋兰县| 舒兰市| 辰溪县| 平武县| 清水县| 太谷县| 建湖县| 永州市| 岱山县| 莆田市| 万全县| 苍溪县| 虎林市| 晋江市| 芜湖市| 榆社县| 灵川县| 阿尔山市| 曲水县| 渝中区|